There's thousands upon thousands of webmasters now using AdSense to generate an income from their websites. Unfortunately, a huge proportion of those websites barely make enough money to cover their web hosting costs.To be successful with AdSense requires a number of factors to be taken into account,
and then applying certain techniques to improve your chances of success.In this article I've outlined a few of the most important steps you should take to ensure that, even if you're a complete novice at the AdSense game, you can earn enough to give you the incentive to aim for bigger things. (Some of the top earners with AdSense are achieving huge monthly incomes from this type of advertising alone)Because the AdSense program and the code it generates is designed to provide advertising that will corespond with the content of your website, the theme of your website and the information on each page is a prime consideration when choosing a subject for your site.You may be an expert in writing about World War II submarines, and although it may be a well defined niche that will appear to a specific target audience, will it generate high paying ads and make you money? One way to find out is to research keywords and phrases that are used by visitors to search for information that is related to the theme of your website. Google’s AdWords keyword tool can be used to help you find the best paying keywords for your niche. You can then optimise your web pages to improve your chances of being found for these particular keywords.
Don’t be tempted to choose the most popular keywords though. According to Google there may have been over 500,000 searches made during the month of December for the phrase ‘World War 2’ but there are also 179 million websites that include this phrase, Wikipedia and the BBC being top of the pile. So you’re unlikely to get listed on the first page using this keyword phrase.
‘World war 2 submarines’ has a lot less competition with only 4 million competing sites, but it also has very few advertisers, so relevant adsense ads could be a bit thin on the ground, and the CPC (cost per click) of these ads are relatively small. However, if you succeed in producing a website with lots of traffic for this subject, it may still be worthwhile.
The trick is not too compete with the big boys. If for example your well defined niche website is producing, let’s say 200 hits per day, and you receive a CTR (clickthrough rate) of say 5% that’s 10 clicks. Ten clicks might equate to a revenue of perhaps 1 dollar a day (a pefectly rasonable target) but you’re not going to start dreaming about your next vacation on the strength of that! However, what this does prove is that if you can create one website that can generate you an income of 7 dollars a week on autopilot, why not produce more websites that can provide a similar income? Ten sites (an easily achievable figure) could provide you with around 70 dollars a week. 50 sites could conceivably make you 350 dollars a week. And remember, this is based on a healthy but modest 5% CTR. With experience, and using the tips I provide below, you could realistically triple your CTR rate with some of your sites.
So the first 3 essential tips to start making an Adsense income are...
1. Choose a well defined theme for your website with a specific target audience in mind.
2. Avoid competing with well established sites or where there is too much competition for your chosen keywords.
3. Research your keyword/phrases carefully. Is there enough interest? Do they provide a reasonable CPC? (cost per click)
Other factors involved in producing good results with AdSense include the placement and appearance of the ads on your webpages.Generally, a little experimentation is required to see what brings in the best results. Try using colours that blend in with your page to make the ads seem less obvious. Then try making the ads stand out from the rest of the page and compare results. One of the advantages of using AdSense advertising is the comprehensive tracking that Google provides. By setting up channels for each ad you can see which ones are bringing in the most clicks.
It’s been said that the 336x280 square advert usually gives the best clickthrough rate. However, I have also used the 728x90 leaderboard ad format with good results. You can do more research on this by simply doing a search on Google for ‘best adsense format’.
Whichever ad format you choose try to keep your ad position ‘above the fold’ so that it’s immediately visible to the viewer when the page loads. If your content requires the reader to scroll down the page then it’s also a good idea to have another ad in place near the end of the text. Also avoid having too many other links on the page which might dilute the chances of the ads being clicked.
So to summarise... the next 3 tips to improve your adsense income are....
1. Experiment with different ad formats to see which ones work best on your web pages.
2. Alway keep at least one ad block visible in the top half and also the bottom half of your web page.
3. Keep the amount of other links to a minimum. Ideally, the only other links on the page should be your site navigation links.Now the one thing more than anything else that is going to affect the amount of clicks you get is the amount of traffic your web pages receive. Therefore it’s vitally important that you make it a priority to try increase your visitor rate using whatever means you can.
There are many ways you can do this and the articles listed below should give you some of the best methods to use.
Once you become proficient at choosing the best keywords, generating traffic, and building multiple sites to bost your income potential, you will likely find that some of your sites will do better than others. Some will exceed your expectations, and some will fall decidedly short. But in the long run things seem to balance out, and if you choose a good web hosting service such as Hostgator that can provide you with a multiple domain web hosting package, then the cost of setting up each site will be negligble. The only other cost being your time spent on producing each site, finding content and researching keywords, and of course the cost of each domain name.
Source: website
Source: website